Tuesday, July 2, 2019


I've been thinking a lot about discipline lately and exactly what it is that I want to become disciplined in. It's so hard to become disciplined in just what we do day to day, how do we become disciplined in what we want to do on this round ball flying through the darkness of space? How do we make this life worth living?

Discipline for me is really hard, mainly because, well as you read in the quote above by John Maxwell, it's painful and you have to sacrifice for it. Although lately I've been finding that the sacrifice is worth the pain. Now I'm just trying to keep up the practice of the discipline which is the hardest part. In the end it will all be worth it, I just need to decide what I want to become really disciplined at.

One thing that I do want to get more disciplined at is writing. It's something that I love doing so you'd think getting myself to write even for a few minutes a day should be easy. I'm not sure if it's because my laptop is out of service right now or if it's the stress of what had been going on for the last year, but I have been finding it harder to write sometimes, except for the occasional sentence or idea for something. I have been trying to get an hour of writing in a day, but the other day I literally just drew different types of flowers and a picture of my favorite dress (which is just a drawing of a spoon with a triangle dress...to be fair it's just a stick figure with an abnormally oval head).

I think in order for me to become disciplined at anything I have to make it a habit and stick with it, which is going to be painful and hard, two things I hate. But I think just starting to do the action will help. Like meditating and eating right, two more things I have a hard time with, but I have been making a point of taking at least 10 minutes in the morning for meditation and I make a detail list and stick to it for shopping and I make sure that I make my lunch every night so that I don't have to think about it in the morning. I've also made it a point to practice intermittent fasting and that has gotten easier over the last few months. So I think just starting small with writing will get me to where it is an everyday habit instead of oh no! I need to do something quick for my blog!

Discipline means structure, which is something that I've been lacking but needing especially with all the changes going on in my personal life. I think this will be an interesting journey to see if I can get better at things I'm already good at by becoming disciplined at them. Like Joe Rogan says "Discipline equals Freedom."

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