Sunday, May 1, 2016

Unemployment and my ideal job.

I recently left my day job, not to go into too much detail, I really just was not vested in the whole business of structured settlements. It just wasn't my thing. Since leaving
 my job I have been looking for a copywriter or editing position. It's been interesting, mostly because my career has been more technical writing than anything. I would like to branch out and work in a creative environment this time around.  In searching for a job it got me thinking about the idea of the ideal job.

I sometimes think that the ideal job is a misnomer because would anyone work for anyone else if they didn't have to?

With that in mind, I do have two ideal jobs if I have to work for other people. The first one is working in a creative environment at an ad agency, magazine or a publishing house. It would have to be laid back but deadline driven and with a purpose. I know it sounds weird but these places do exist. I would love to be involved in one. I have a lot to offer, not only with my writing and ideas, but I'm a hard worker, loyal and competent. Plus I like writing and brainstorming. I'd like a copy writing or editing position simply because I am good at both of these and they give me a freedom that settlements and technical writing doesn't.

My second ideal job is actually a dream job, primarily because I would have to go back to school to do it. I would love to be a Profiler. Researching and looking at psychology studies etc., sounds like a great way to spend my days. I have thought about going back to school to get a degree in psychology, but I already have college loans and I'm not sure that I want to add to them. It would be fun and interesting though. I think about it a lot actually, but really more student loans is not something I want, so this may have to stay a dream. Fun to think about though.

In actuality my real dream job is to direct and write movies. Movies are my passion. I'll get there sooner rather than later. But right now I'm working on starting my own publishing company. I will have to get a day job for now, but I'm hoping that in the near future it will become my only job. Books are my second passion next to movies. I would like for this to hopefully roll into a production company. It'll work. One of the main things that I hope to do with my publishing company is support local writers and artists. I'd like to be able to have a scholarship for writers, especially for kids who want to go to college and come from low income neighborhoods. I'd also like to be able to start neighborhood gardens in low income neighborhoods where people can get good food on there tables. I really want my company to be focused on helping people, not just writers but the communities that they come from, because I believe if we do that we can create more artists and keep it going. I'll have to start out and work out of my basement for now but that's okay, I like my basement. I am also going to be starting a podcast where we talk about books, art, jobs everything. It won't be solely focused on one topic, it will just depend on whats going on or where the conversation takes us.

I am taking a proactive approach to blogging, I will have a new blog post every Wednesday and once a month I will publish on a Sunday. I need to make this my priority regardless of what else is going on. I have no excuse for this not being my priority since I don't have a job right now...and hopefully all you readers out there like to read what I have to say. Leave comments about anything in the comments below. I also have a website   if you want to know more about me where you can find this blog and some of my photography work. Feel free to also leave ideas for podcasts. Also I will be starting a crowdfunding campaign for my publishing company and should have a website set up for my publishing company soon, so please check back for updates. I hope everyone is doing great and you'll be hearing from me on Wednesday!