Sunday, June 10, 2018

Why a Publishing Company

Why not a publishing company, or a bakery or a store or anything else for that matter? I'm tired of waiting for my future to happen to me, I want to make it happen and I don't want to look back and say I regret not  trying and how my life could have been better had I only done x, y or z. I'm going to do Z. Because it's what I want to do.

The written word is my passion, it opened up new worlds to me, places I had only dreamed of, places that I thought were dreams and could only be imagined. Early on I took a liking to Hemingway, Steinbeck and Fitzgerald, mostly because my dad was becoming a reader at the same time that I was. My father was a notoriously bad reader and more than likely had a learning disability that was never diagnosed, but he was determined to read. The problem with having young parents is that you grow up with them, it's not a bad thing but sometimes it is because they're still trying to find themselves and you're growing up trying to figure it out too, but it's good when they're readers and self educators like my dad and mom were. My mom is an exceptional reader, still reading at least a book weekly. When I was little she would take me to the library weekly, it was my first playground. I was a late reader not really catching on until the 3rd grade and my mom was devastated, she had spent so much time reading with me and to me, she just couldn't believe that I wasn't going to be a reader as well and wasn't reading in kindergarten. For my part at the time I just didn't see the point and then I met my 3rd grade teacher Mrs.Martin. I will forever be indebted to Mrs.Martin, she opened a world of possibilities up to me that I had never known were there before her and books. I'm not exactly sure what she did but I think it was that she explained things to me, and talked to me like I was an adult in charge of my own future and that my life could go anywhere that I wanted it to go. By the end of third grade I was reading at a sixth grade level and by the time I was in high school I had read through most of the classic literature canon and was bored by most of my literature classes that I was reading Hunter S. Thompson, Vonnegut, Mailer, Twain and David Foster Wallace. Reaching for the most odd voices I could lay my hands on, they were different and most of all they wrote for themselves. I remember being blown away by Vonnegut's Mother Night, his use of past and present to blend into a well rounded voice that came together to tell  the tail of a man suffering because of his past. Books bring worlds alive to people that may never travel and give insights to the best and worst in humanity. I'm hoping to bring out the best in humanity.

There are stories that people want to tell and I want to help them to bring them to the world in whatever way that I can. Maybe it's because I feel like an outsider in the world, this would be my way to be a part of the world in a big way. What I really want Reckless Press to be able to do is to make the world a better place by helping authors and artists to contribute to the world around them. I believe like Bob Marley did, that if you lift the people around you up the world begins to lift up and become a better place for everyone. My favorite story about Bob Marley is that he would set up a table in front of his house and if you needed money to pay the bills, start a business or whatever you needed to make your life and dreams become a reality he would give you more than what you needed to make it happen. That's what I want to be able to do with my company. And to take care of my family and for my voice to be heard.

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