Okay so it's been awhile, I had surgery and then COVID hit and things have been put off with me making a few changes here on my blog and with my company However, I've decided that I just need to start writing etc and just share it even if it's just for me. If you like it and want to read and check out my photography great if not, that's fine too. On that note with everything that is going on in the world I'm finding it immensely hard to stay quite about it all but I'm kind of having a bit of writers block and finding it hard not to write just rants. So just to give my readers a little heads up that things will be changing a bit about what my content will be. I will still be writing about movies and fun things but I will be turning a bit more towards politics and the world in general, how can I not with everything that is going on. Also, with in the next few months I will be moving things over to my website, Reckless Press and to Patreon (maybe, something I'm taking time and thinking through). With that I have been working on a few things that I hope to have out by the weekend so keep an eye out!
If you can please, please donate to George Floyd's daughter. https://gf.me/u/x6mn68
and here for his memorial fund https://gf.me/u/x4xyax and please donate to BLM at Donate this organization deserves so much of our attention and support!!!
Also if you're looking for a place to donate to Front Line Workers
and for other places to donate here is a TIME list of places TIME